Fervor (The Fervor Chronicles Book 1) Read online

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  Studying the size of the cage, she realized the man must be massive. He towered a foot over her and most of the men of her kingdom. Her heart sped up in her chest, bringing an uncomfortable flush to her cheeks. “I have never seen a man his size.”

  Addy leaned in again, careful not to touch her Mistress. “Because of his size and strength, he is rumored to be Fiera—a race who must be descended from giants!”


  “Just a rumor, Princess. The guards aren’t even one hundred percent sure he is Fiera. There are slight… differences in him.”

  Her chest clenched, and she tried not to gulp in great breaths of air. Despite the freezing temperatures, she felt the tiniest flash of warmth. “Differences?”

  Addy gave her a strange look and then focused in on the prisoner. “Coloring’s off. Most of the Fiera are rumored to have hair black as night, with eyes to match.”

  Because the man was slumped against the chains, with his head pitched forward, it was impossible to see his eye color. All she saw was miles of bronze skin that made her palms itch to rub against him. She wondered at her reaction. Uncomfortable and annoyed that this man was breaking her concentration, she decided to ignore him for the rest of the evening. Sliding her eyes away, she kept her gaze fixed permanently on the heads of the milling aristocracy.

  Addy faded back and took her place behind her Mistress. Caprice trusted if any new information came in, Addy would be the first to know. Despite her resolve, it seemed as if only seconds had passed before her eyes darted back to the cage and a group of fawning Vendri surrounding the prisoner. Simpering idiots. They were blocking her view—not that she wanted to look.

  Oh, but she couldn’t resist. Rising, she strode forward, Addy scampering by her side. The princess felt her friend’s surprise. Her actions were highly unusual, but her father had bade her look at the Fiera, so she would look.

  The crowd parted immediately. They bowed as she passed, acting as if they moved out of reverence, but she knew they were motivated by fear. They dare not touch for so many reasons, most of which would entail their death.

  Approaching the cage, Caprice fought to catch her breath, for once forgetting about the painful shards of glass imbedded in her skin. The giant hung from the manacles, unconscious and bent forward because his height dwarfed the cage. His head was pressed against the bars and his hands hung forward between the slats.

  He looked so menacing, yet vulnerable, almost as if he were sleeping. The dried blood on the side of his head told a different story—they had bludgeoned him. A familiar fury started to grow and she looked for the nearest guard. The closest two were bringing in a new captive, a scrawny man that fought with every inch of his life. Once he laid eyes upon the sleeping giant and the swarming Vendri, the man shoved one of the guards and he flew across the space, slamming into her side.

  A crowd gasped, the sound floating through the courtyard. Caprice fell forward against the cage, her hand flying out to find purchase and ended up entangling in the Giant’s hair. The silky strands coasted over her palm and a shiver raced up her arm. She disentangled her hands, but tripped on her gown and fell forward again. Her skin pinched between the bars, causing the top of her breasts to smash directly into the Giant’s face.

  She swore she felt a small flutter against her chest as his mouth moved ever so gently against her breast.

  Oh Gods, the warmth of his skin! It felt like nothing she’d ever touched, and she fought the urge to sink in further, desperate to know his heat. Closing her eyes, she put one hand on the bar, then the other, for once not caring what anyone thought of her propriety. She rose and backed away. It was the hardest thing she’d ever done. The guard that had bumped into her, hovered, continually asking if she was well. Thank the gods he had only fallen against her gown or he would have been put to death. Worse still, Caprice would have had to freeze him in order to keep her secret. She felt confident none of the Vendri had seen her brush the Giant.

  Refusing to meet anyone’s eye, she turned away and made the long walk back to the throne. They had witnessed her fall; she dared anyone to say a word about it.

  When she finally reached her seat, an incredulous Addy at her side, Caprice braced herself for the disdainful looks, for the whispers until she realized—not one eye had turned toward her. No one was paying any attention. Instead they faced the stage. Turning slowly, an impending sense of doom settling over her as anticipation tightened her glass-covered skin, she gasped at what she saw.

  The Giant had risen.

  Chapter 5


  A whiny high-pitched shriek reverberated through the courtyard, the tell tale sign of metal being torn asunder. The sound was so loud, Caprice became convinced the glass ceiling would shatter from the force. The prisoner was escaping. Before she could move, guards poured in from every door and swallowed the king in their swarm. Their main focus was always her father, which gave her a chance to pull Addy to the side and hide them behind a large tapestry against the wall.

  The Vendri scattered, screeching and squealing as they raced around the courtyard like ice-roaches. Caprice held back a bitter laugh. So much for the fabled calm of the Glissante. Where was the frost in their hearts? They were supposed to be dispassionate about any situation, unless, of course, a raging giant was about to smash them like flakes under his shoe.

  Peeking around the curtain, she tried to get a better view of all the commotion.

  “Prin, get back! What if someone sees you?” Addy pulled at the train of her dress, careful to remain behind her Mistress.

  “See me? Like who? The frightened Vendri scurrying into their holes like snow-rats? I want to get a look—”

  She had no view. Desperate to see him, she stepped forward, fear racing through her veins.

  There he stood.

  It was as if time slowed, moving by at half speed. Vaguely, she acknowledged Addy, the Vendri, the fallen guards, looking like broken toys scattered across the floor, only to be replaced by new guards rushing in to take their place. But nothing, nothing could keep her gaze from the slave—No, not a slave, but a towering giant of a man who looked to be lit from within.

  Fascinated and with a full courtyard between them, she watched him battle two, three, even four guards at a time. Taking one step closer, then another, she felt compelled to get near him. His sweat-covered skin shone bronze in the torchlight.

  Fist clenched, he slammed the broken chains hanging from his wrists into two guards’ faces. He stood, growling, as if to taunt them. In profile—My gods!—he was magnificent, the tallest and widest man she’d ever seen. He must be a full head taller than her.

  Dark pants made of thick black material hung low on his hips. Tight, black bands crisscrossed his bare chest and smaller bands wrapped tight around his bulging biceps. Her breath caught in her throat, her heart banging strong enough to burst past her breasts. His chest and stomach were… indescribable. Is this what a man was meant to look like under his clothes? She had always burned to know the answer.

  Mounds and valleys, smooth muscled dips and turns checkered his front. If she could just get closer she would discover if he smelled as delicious as he looked.

  Delicious? Had she lost her mind? She knew she was not showing the decorum expected of a future queen but for this once, in this minute, facing the defiant man, she didn’t care. That admission should have scared her more than any other, but she couldn’t stop staring. A flying guard landed inches from her, and still she did not step back. The Giant must have heard her because his body. Finally, she was able to look upon him.

  His face. She had thought nothing could compare to his body, but the slash of his brow and the jut of his chin had her aching for more. Even with a split lip and a black eye, he was temptation incarnate. His short, dark-red hair had patches that caught the flickering light, reminding her of a rare ruby. His eyes, they somehow matched his hair. Not black, or yellow but a whiskey brown that made her long to step just a little closer.r />
  Half the courtyard lay between them, but she felt his eyes traveling over her body. Strange sensations of warmth filled her chest and cheeks. The feelings confused her, made her wonder if the entire kingdom might be watching this exchange. Not trusting herself, afraid she might reveal too much, she turned away.

  Mid turn, she heard the roar. Slow motion lurched back into real time. No longer caught in the bubble of her imagination, chaos resumed and sound came flooding back. People were screaming, crying, begging for their lives. Guards grunted as they hit the ground, and the metallic smell of blood invaded her nose.

  Hearing his shout hurt her heart, but what she saw almost brought her to her knees. The giant had his head thrown back, screaming to the heavens. When his head snapped forward, his hair lifted and stood on end, undulating in strange waves over his skull. The bronze of his skin took on a luminescent glow, growing brighter by the second and his eyes…

  They changed.

  The warm whiskey color—gone. Instead, milky-white bled over his eyes, obscuring pupil and cornea.

  His palms cupped his eyes, and he crouched momentarily until the guards pounced. Ten men piled on top and in a burst of light, the group flew back, singed and burned from the light.

  Lightning had flown from his skin!

  Caprice heard his voice, a deep scrape just above a whisper. “I can’t see. I can’t see!”

  One step at a time, he lumbered forward, unsteady on his feet. He grabbed the nearest guard, used him for support, and then tossed him aside. He lifted his nose high, as if scenting the air, and each time he finished, he’d recalibrate and came one step closer to her.

  Spotting Addy behind the curtain, Caprice picked up her skirts and ran. Never in her life had she traveled faster than a slow walk. Now she felt the danger and knew, knew deep in her heart he was after her. The thought caused a shiver to run down her spine.

  “No!” His deep voice boomed, shaking the glass dome above their heads.

  Oh gods! He was talking about her, only her. One word thrilled her straight to her heart, but it also terrified her. She didn’t plan on pausing to figure out which of the two emotions was stronger. Reaching Addy, she grabbed her by her skirt and ran toward the door on the far side of the space. The closest exit lay far across the courtyard, and it would leave them exposed to the giant and injured guards. Glancing toward the throne, she was grateful her father was long gone.

  A few of the Vendri still remained, frozen to the spot or in a heap on the floor, never having been exposed to any real danger in their isolated kingdom. Nothing in their long lives had prepared them for this melee. They were pathetic, unable to move even to save themselves. Well, she wanted to live and she’d make damn sure Addy survived as well. Princess or not, she would get them out of here.

  Firming her shoulders, they raced for their lives, just making it through the doorway moments before she heard another roar rock the castle.

  Chapter 6


  Thoughts bounced around her brain at a ferocious rate, so fast she could hardly focus on only one. She fought for calm. That man! She’d never seen anyone like him, so large, so beautiful.

  Caprice remained in her room through the night and into the day. A guard had informed her late last night that the wedding ceremony was delayed due to the attack. It would proceed this evening at midnight, per her father’s orders. The prisoner had eventually been subdued and placed in the dungeon.

  Addy had left the room sometime in the middle of the night. Now it was early morning, just before the distant sun rose. Caprice had paced for hours, not bothering to remove her gown. The pain was intense with it on, but she couldn’t imagine trying to manipulate the hundreds of tiny buttons that ran down the back to remove it. The agony would probably render her unconscious.

  The hours before sunrise were the quietest time of the day. The drudges slept late, catching a few hours sleep before they rose to prepare the castle for the coming night. Most of the nobility didn’t rise until after sunset, remaining awake during the coldest times of the day. This was the lull when everyone slept.

  Where was Addy? Hours had passed without her maid appearing, and she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that the Pre-Dom had something to do with her disappearance.

  If that bitch laid one hand on Addy, she was going to take her head; she didn’t care how important her father thought she was. She couldn’t shake the buzz from her encounter with the giant. It had felt… so good, too good, but she must calm her beating heart.

  The first place she would look was the Pre-Dom’s quarters. A shiver raced down her spine as she ascended the steps toward the Pre-Dom’s domain. Her gait slowed. She’d never been to this section of the castle before. The faint trickle of water could be heard and a damp, wet, smell assaulted her nose.

  Dripping water? That meant heat. Did the Pre-Dom dare to heat her private quarters? Another rule broken. Technically, the Pre-Dom was still a slave, a slave whose status had risen considerably over the years, but a slave nonetheless. Such an offense could be punished by banishment or even death. Who was she kidding? No one had been banished in a century. Except my mother. But she’d left of her own devices. No one had forced her.

  No one made her leave her only daughter…

  Rounding the corner, she spotted an open door. Please gods, let this be her room. I don’t want to stay down here a second longer than needed. She approached silently, laying one hand against the jamb.

  Inside the chamber, lay rows of manacles and chains. Whips and ropes, some with metal edges, others with feathers tied to the tips, lined the walls. A repetitive slapping sound tickled her ears. Like leather hitting flesh. Would the Pre-Dom dare flog Addy in her personal quarters?

  Slipping through the door, she jumped to the left, hiding behind a half wall that separated the small sitting room from the main part of the bedroom. Her new vantage point gave her a view of the whole right side of the room.

  A heavy scent of artificial flowers and incense tainted the air. Silky material coated the walls, large tapestries of deep, blue and red. A massive bed dominated the space, a mound of pillows and blankets piled high. She could only guess at the “activities” that took place in that monstrosity.

  That sound began again, reminding her of when she was a child assisting the morning cook in pounding the dough for the daily bread. If she wanted to catch a glance she would have to lean forward, possibly exposing herself.

  Screwing up her courage, she peeked around the wall. What she saw next almost made her vomit. She bit the inside of her lip hard to keep from reacting.

  A man with fair skin and lighter hair was tied and trussed against the wall like a stuffed snow-pig. He stood naked, hands tied behind his back, his face smashed into the red silk that ran down the wall. Blindfolded and gagged, he pressed his face further into the silk and raised his bare ass in the air.

  She knew who he was in an instant—the only person it could be: her fiancé—Prince Gair Penduline of the Glissante.

  Directly behind him stood the Pre-Dom, in nothing but tight leather adorned with spiky metal that ran dead center down the outfit. The leather hugged her curvy shape to perfection. A silky, red scarf twined around her neck, covering Caprice’s “reminder.” Holding a black riding whip high in the air, the Pre-Dom brought it down with a crisp whack against the Prince’s backside again, and again, causing angry red stripes to crisscross his tiny, white ass.

  He moaned in pleasure. My gods, he wants more. He likes it!

  Plastering herself flat against the wall, her heart beating a million miles per second, she covered her mouth with her hand. She didn’t… Wasn’t… How do you react to something like that? A hysterical laugh snuck up until she realized she was expected to marry this man, to lay with him—the dreaded sheet between them—and create the next generation of pureblood Glissante.

  There must be something she could do! Surely if she explained to her father, he would understand. Do something. But how would she
even broach the subject with him?

  She had her answers. Too many in fact, but at least it looked like Addy wasn’t caught up in this mess. As she turned to go, she caught a flash reflected in a gold-plaited mirror. Her heart dropped.

  Sitting in a chair, a hand rubbing back and forth across his mouth with a look in his eyes she’d never seen, was her father. Fully clothed, he sat, his eyes roaming, jumping, soaking in the action. He saw everything.

  He knows.

  Just as fast, he strode across the room. Holding her breath, Caprice waited. He passed just feet in front of her to get to the moaning couple. Within seconds, she heard the Pre-Dom shriek then laugh hysterically. The prince groaned louder.

  To escape, she had to step forward then angle back toward the door. Unable to keep her eyes off the threesome, she caught one last glimpse. Her father stood behind the Pre-Dom, bejeweled pants around his ankles, grinding into her back, his hands roaming over her skin and through her hair. The Pre-Dom had come up hard behind the prince—the small spikes of her clothing buried deep into the prince’s back. He arched and then shuddered, slumping away from the wall. Walking forward, the king faced the prince, his erection eye level with the writhing idiot.

  I can’t…

  Finally free, she grabbed the doorjamb and paused, placing a hand against her stomach, the bite of her girdle almost making her faint. Her father… Her father had touched the Pre-Dom. He had touched her! Which meant… He’d lied. His touch hadn’t frozen her, hadn’t killed her with cold. Could he control the freeze as she could?

  All the years, she’d begged to touch him, hug him, just sit on his lap, and she’d been turned away because it would have been too dangerous. As a child, she’d been told her skin was too sensitive for the king’s pure blood. All of it lies!